Sunday, November 22, 2009

The one about lists, but it's not actually a list...

So I'm supposed to be making a list for Christmas.  I don't know exactly when it happened (although I'm sure some totally anonymous stranger and/or a family member will let me know in the comments), but I stopped wanting to make Christmas/birthday lists.  Don't get me wrong, I haven't stopped wanting things, I've just stopped wanting to ask other people for them.  (Except a job.  I'm still in the want to ask people for one of those.)  It's tough to explain with words what happens when I try to sit down and make these lists, so obviously I'm going to draw a picture.  It's going to be a little abstract.  Good luck figuring it out.  There might even be a metaphor in there or something, who knows?  My art is very deep.  Here you go:


Syar said...

The person third from the left there doesn't seem too excited. Why aren't their hands up? What if that person is there to sabotage your list making? LOOK OUT JON!

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

There's quite a bit of pink in this art. Is it because the list is female-driven? That is, the women in your life are forcing you to make this list?

Madelyn said...

It doesn't matter to me if you finish you're list, I'm getting you a big box of chapstick.

cadiz12 said...

i totally feel your pain on the list thing. i have to make one, too, and i can't think of much to put on it. especially because i just broke down and bought some new scrubs for myself. that was the only thing i had on the dang list so far.

Anonymous said...

Are there any magazines you'd like to get or books? Those are always good list items.

Anonymous said...

I see you're reaching down to go for the between the legs list making method. Very advanced technique - I'm impressed.