Friday, February 12, 2021

It’s been a while

 A lot has changed in the past few years. 

I think about this blog a lot. It’s been a lot of different things to me over the years. I miss the blogs from back in the mid 2000’s. I don’t even know what blogs are any more. I kind of know what vlogs are and that doesn’t help the situation. Wouldn’t this whole thing be a lot weirder if it had been vlogs? 

Anyway, I promised myself when I started this blog that I would never go more than 6 years without a post. It was one of the tent poles of my 86 step process to becoming a great blogger. 

It occurs to me that I’m not even sure I know how to publish this any more. Seems the tools have changed. I don’t even know if I’ll be able to properly tag this like I used to. Probably didn’t need to type that and publish it, but hey, I am who I think I am. 

So I have children now. They can talk too. My youngest has taken to comedy. His favorite thing to do right now is tell us jokes. They are amazing jokes. Very heady stuff. As far as I can tell, these jokes play on many, many, many levels. I say this because he tells the same joke over and over for days and days. I believe he’s doing this to let those of us with inferior brains actually try and get 1/10th of the nuance he’s putting out there. I dare you to try and dissect this one. It’s been on repeat for the last couple of weeks.

“Why did the chicken go to school?”

“I don’t know, why?”

“Because he turned into chicken pox!!”

I don’t want to get political here, but I’m pretty sure there’s some stuff in there about the way we’ve handled COVID in the US. It’s still a little over my head, but I think he has a future. I’ll not stand in his way. 

I don’t know if it’ll be 6 more years until my next post, but I know it won’t be MORE than 6 years. 

Here’s to whatever this thing is!