Monday, November 19, 2007

No seriously…

So, I have this friend. I’ve known him for a while and I get along with him pretty well. We had an improv class together a while back, and since that class ended, we’ve gotten together several times to continue practicing and sharpening are fairly dull skills. We’re trying to keep the cost of hiring a coach down to a minimum, so we’ve been looking for a few additional people to join up with us. We haven’t had a lot of success, but it’s been pretty fun so far. We’ve had several different coaches, which is a good thing because we’ll get several different views on the topic of improv. Also, it’s been amazing because we’ve been able to get some of my favorite improvisers from UCB to coach us. If you’re in the Los Angeles/ Hollywood area, I’d strongly recommend that you check out Convoy at the Wednesday night Cage Match. They are amazing. Or, you can check out the Monday night Harold teams. The three members of Convoy are all on a team called Sentimental Lady.

Almost none of the information listed above matters to today’s post. Just one thing; My friends initials are J.K. Usually not that interesting, except every time he sends out an email, he signs it with his initials, JK. And no matter how many times I see this, I still read every single one of his emails like this:

“Hey guys, we’ll be having practice again on Wednesday. This time we’ll meet over at XXXXXX at 8:00. See you there!

JK (but I read this as, Just Kidding!)

So I’m never sure if we’re having practice, where it is, or if he'll be there. I don’t know if I’m the only one doing this, but I’m going to ask some very subtle questions about it tomorrow. Questions like, “Hey, does anyone else read Joe’s emails like he’s ‘just kidding?’”

Hopefully no one will figure out exactly what I’m up to, but some of these guys are pretty sharp, so you never know. I’ll keep you posted.


omar said...

That whole improv thing is pretty cool. My sense of humor is nowhere near quick enough to ever pull it off.

And now I kind of wish my initials were JK for this reason. Or maybe I could try to get everyone to say "only playing," so that then I don't have to change my name to achieve the same effect...

Nadia said...

"Only playing"? Pfft. That'll never catch on. Honestly, Omar. I expected more of you. Everyone can see that "not being mildly realistic" is much better.

--- N.B.M.R.

Jon said...

I think you both have a much better chance than I do. I'm trying to convince people that "Just Merriment!"

It's not going so well...

cadiz12 said...

i wonder if J.K. Rowling has this problem. or if she just signs her stuff as joanne.

Syar said...

AT least his initials isn't a crude name for a body part backwards. Ha, backwards. I punned my own initials.

Fyi, was expecting this to be about JK Rowling. Can't say I was too disappointed.

- S.S.A