Friday, December 04, 2009

Another reason you should be jealous of me.

Yesterday we had our first snow flurries here in Chicago.  That means it's fricken dang cold here again.  I'm ok with it this year though because of where I work.  I know what you're thinking, but no, my work does not supply me with a heated bubble to travel around in.  That would be sweet though.  I have the next best thing.  I have about 1/2 mile of underground pathways that connect the building I live in to the building I work in.  I wish I could take credit for digging these myself, but I cannot.  It's just part of the downtown area.  The "Pedway" they call it.  It takes a little longer to navigate the Pedway than to walk outside, but when there's 12 feet of snow on the ground, I'll take the extra five minutes of warm walking to the shortcut of digging through snow and ice (which you would think would take longer due to the digging, but I use special tools that actually propel me forward at an alarming rate as I dig.  It's very tiring and it makes me sweaty.  Nobody wants to work with a sweaty guy.).  So until they invent these:

I'll be taking the Pedway.


Madelyn said...

It's cold here too . . . I don't like it as much as I thought I would, but I suppose its better than hot.

It's weird that you bring up the heated bubble because I'm in the process of inventing one right now. I'm going to call it the "Hot Pocket 2000". Release date TBD.

Also, are you continuing NaBloPoMo or what?

Madelyn said...

Also, how do i get them to build a pedway from my apartment door to my car?

Syar said...

Just pay attention, because I don't want you taking the I guess equally convenient but much more horribly dangerous PedOway. Somebody should really shut that place down.

Anonymous said...

We haven't had one flake of snow here, but it has been cold. I'd love to walk to work in a heated bubble.

cadiz12 said...

i'm jealous. but i guess if you want work with benefits, you have to suck it up and scrape the frost off your car.

Anonymous said...

Here I thought the bubble was protecting you from that volcanic ash. Then I remembered that Mount Chicago has been dormant for years.