Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The Streak Ends...

With little or no fanfare at all, my modest "no comments" streak came to an end at approximately 11:18 pm on March 29, 2005. Those of you who have been paying attention know all to well that this mostly unknown streak began on March 13, 2005... Wow... it seems like ages ago...

My first official comment came from a man I know only as Jack Safety... you can check out his blog at On behalf of myself and no one else (can you even do that? Can you only speak on behalf of yourself? Don't you do that pretty much any time you say anything at all? How much longer can I possibly make this parenthetical statement? ...maybe just a little longer... ok, done.) I'd like to thank Jack for stopping by.

I didn't think I'd get a comment this early... I clearly underestimated one of two things... either the popularity of the Shuck N Jive search on google, or the sheer tenacity it must have taken to keep hitting "next blog" up in the right hand corner until the nonsense that is my blog popped up for someone (head gesture towards Jack Safety... maybe a little eye pointing that way too) to actually care enough to say something.


jazz said...

quite a rant you left on my blog. completely agree with half your comments (that first guy was freaky, i was lazy and stretched out 83-86) but to be fair, i'll take the compliment from andy. hes a genius. read his blog. its hillarious.

hang in there. people are just starting to read mine and i have no idea how they found it. people will come around. gotta keep writing for the nobodys so that somebody will come around and think it's interesting.

jazz said...

there is NOTHING wrong with the princess bride. is one of my favorites too! i wansn't knocking it...will have to talk with edna b about it...set her straight! ;)

cadiz12 said...

encyclopedia brown was not too shabby, but you have to respect a broad from that era who had the brains to save the day -- and her pretty-but-dumb boyfriend. princess bride is a classic.