Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It was 65 degrees today!!!

If this keeps up, I might not have to resort to so many window shots...

-- Posted From My iPhone Trump Tower.


cadiz12 said...

now, be honest: couldn't you just SMELL THE JOY IN THE AIR ALL DAY?!?!?

THAT, my friend is what i'm talking about when i say i need the changing seasons. the only reason everyone was so ecstatic is because we're coming off a few long, cold months. in july, 65 would be a cold wave, but because it was so wonderfully received makes it better than if it were 65 every day.

Madelyn said...

Plus, in California, 65 would be considered on the cold side.

Anonymous said...

Today in Ohio it got up to 60 degrees and I was euphoric!

Madelyn said...

It was almost 60 here today as well!

Jon said...

Cadiz: Yeah... that's a theory...

Madelyn: I'll still take it.

Anonymous said...

I do like the changing of the seasons. I love fall, the smells and sights. And I love Christmas, so I appreciate a few flakes here and there around December 20-31. After that it gets old. Unless there's so much of it that school is canceled. But the best seasonal change is from winter to spring. That's when the euphoria hits. I love it!