Sunday, March 18, 2012

I can quit whenever I want

See? I don't have to blog. I can quit whenever I want. It's the same with eating sunflower seeds. I can quit whenever I want. Did I recently purchase and finish a giant bucket of seeds like this:

Yes, yes I did. And in case it's not clear how large this bucket is, check this out:

That's right, this bucket is large enough to trap and drown a small child. This was obviously a problem because that's a pretty specific warning. So yeah, I ate a bucket of seeds large enough to drown a small child in.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad 2, the best sequel ever.


cadiz12 said...

and now we're going to the store to get a new one.

Syar said...

I took the label as "Keep children away from this big bucket of seeds because they will fall in love with it and want to hug it all the time"? No? Just me?

Jon said...

Cadiz: You better believe it!!

Syar: I can see that. The liquid can easily be explained by the onslaught of sloppy wet kisses the child is trying to bestow upon his/her new love. That leads to dehydration, headaches, passing out and ultimately death. Either way, buyer beware.

Anonymous said...

So what is that, the Dugout Size?

Won't the seeds at the bottom get kinda stale? Better to buy a carton of bags...

Anonymous said...

Oh my god. You ate all those already? That's a crazy amount of sunflower seeds.