Tuesday, January 04, 2011

This happens all the time...

I often take pictures with the intention of posting them so that everyone can enjoy my humorous and quirky slant on life. The sad truth is that I only post 1 out if every 7 pictures I take that I intend to post. (a super smart algorithm was used to calculate this highly accurate picture/post ratio) Why the disparity? Probably a lot of laziness, but also because I feel like the moment has passed. My question to you now is, Has the moment passed? I was going to post this a few days ago with the title, "When Pancakes Attack."

Is this still funny? Was it ever funny? Am I over thinking things? Should I just learn to stop worrying and love the bomb? Let me know.

-- Post From My iPhone 4. And yes, This probably should have been a poll and not a post.


Anonymous said...

You have to remember that none of us know when you took the picture. You have control over the message. The moment has not passed. More posts = good

Syar said...

The pancake mass looks like a snooty lady with three buns of hair on her head (old school) and giant circular earrings. How do I know she's snooty? Gut feeling.

I hope that answers your question.

cadiz12 said...

i was going to say it sort of looks like Mickey Mouse's dog, Pluto. But now all i can see is Syar's snooty lady and her earrings.

and i'm totally with anonymous.

cadiz12 said...

ok now this lack of posting is getting a little ridiculous.

LDahl said...

I've been online too much... tried to flip pancakes by clicking on them.